It is with great regret that the Parish Council have to acknowledge that the efforts of so many of the community to achieve a Neighbourhood Plan – a process that started in 2012 – has come to an end. This has been bought about by interminable delays. the passage of time, so many submissions having to be amended, Government changes to present planning legislation and now future proposed Law changes.
We have completed the new Bethersden Housing Needs Survey which can be reused as a reference of our future needs under the ABC local plan.
Both councils have come to the conclusion it would be impossible to continue. ABC stated that the best way forward for BPC to obtain more local needs housing, is through a strengthening of the ABC local plan approach which will negate the need for parishes to undertake the complex and the expense both in financial and volunteer labour requirements, of a Neighbourhood planning process.
Bethersden Parish Council, October 2020