Planning Notification – Madrona Nursery, Pluckley Rd, Bethersden
Bethersden Parish Council gives brief details of Planning Notifications on this website as supplied by the Planning Department at Ashford Borough Council. Please check the full proposal at the Ashford website, where you can also make comments, as details can change. If the link below does not take you directly to the planning proposal please use the Planning Search facility on the Ashford site and use the 5 digit reference number given below between the two forward slashes eg 21/01234/AB would give the reference 01234.
Bethersden Parish Council cannot bear responsibility for any data on external sites.
Application Type
Full Planning Permission
Madrona Nursery, Pluckley Road, Bethersden, TN26 3EG
Creation of a new vehicular access and revised provision of parking in connection with Planning Permission 20/00049/AS.
Reference Number