Dear all,
Scroll down to view Nest and Hornet ID charts
Following on from a KRF emergency planning risk meeting with the National Bee Unit (NBU) on Asian Hornet invasions last week, we have been asked via Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) to forward to all local parishes and communities the Public Warning and Informing information.
In summary, the Asian Hornet outbreak has been in England since 2016, however has now seen increasing rates of sightings within Kent since 2023 with their population doubling year on year, despite a 95% death rate. These cause devastation to British Bees, destroy crops and fruit for farming and are more likely to cause dangerous side effects for people if stung than our native wasps.
As part of a necessary eradication strategy, known site areas (see attached) will be undergoing trapping and nest eradication this Spring. Please note this has currently been identified in the Tenterden area only.
Please could I request for the poster or postcard to be displayed locally if appropriate and in particular forwarded to any local arable / fruit farmers within your area.
There is an information page on Ashford Borough Council website at Find out about how to deal with Asian Hornets and to report any sightings. ( and further guidance can be found at Emerging risks | Kent Prepared
If you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact
Kind Regards
Emma Harris
Resilience Officer